Giving Back Challenge Winner, News, Spirit, 2018-2019 (Cayuga Minor Hockey)

This Team is part of the 2018-2019 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Feb 08, 2019 | Julia Sutor | 2180 views
Giving Back Challenge Winner
Special thanks to the wonderful Cayuga Minor Hockey players and parents that went out of their way to do something great for our community! Teams came together to help the Cayuga Food Bank this season. We are very proud of their work.

A winner for this challenge was decided by a draw. All teams did amazing work. Take a  look at their work . . .


The Bantam team won the draw for this challenge. The team came together and helped at the Haldimand Motors Soup-a-bowl event. The players helped to direct cars and carry food donations. It was a cold night but the team kept their smiles, lent a helping hand and enjoyed the event!

All the teams did amazing work! Take a look:

The Cayuga Novice Rep team completed their challenge by collecting and donating food to the
Cayuga Food Bank. We are so proud of these kids, they collected so much!! Some of the kids used their own money and purchased a bag full of food from the listed of needed items the food bank was asking for!!



The Peewee Rep team of 12 players ended up collecting 334 items to help those in need over the holidays. We had our final day of collecting these items at our early morning practice on Saturday Dec 15th.

Following practice our players and coaches went up to the Cayuga Foodland to give their food collection
to the Cayuga Masonic Members food drive that was on that very day. Our players had the privilege to stand with the Mason’s and participate for the day asking those entering Foodland if they too could give to those in need. Our players stood proud with their Cayuga jersey’s !!! The collection brought into the Mason’s is taken back and alongside the Foodbank they work together to make up baskets to give to 40-50 families in need in our local surrounding area.
Our team stayed for the majority of the day and got a approximate count of all items collected. We cleared out all of the prepackaged designated Foodbank bags (approximately 80 bags) and over $1000 in cash and gift cards from the Foodland store. That doesn’t include all the items we donated and all the items that where purchased and brought in.

We couldn’t be any more proud of all the kids that participated and how very generous our community is. What an awesome experience it was and our players and coaches were glad they took the time to help those in need ❤️

Special thanks to our sponsor:

