Challenge #3 Winners, News, Spirit Team, 2016-2017 (Cayuga Minor Hockey)

This Team is part of the 2016-2017 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Feb 07, 2017 | Julia Sutor | 1944 views
Challenge #3 Winners
We have amazing teams that showed their Spirit and Gave Back to their community over the last 2 months! Thank you to the wonderful players and parents that went out of their way to help others in our local community. They all gave selflessly and showed that Cayuga Minor Hockey cares! Special thanks to Jeff Potter of Re/Max Realty for sponsoring this challenge that helped so many. All the acts of kindness are important and appreciated. In fairness to all this challenge was decided by a draw and the winner is . . .



Peewee Rep were super at the Soup-a-bowl event held at Haldimand Motors.
This event helped to supply food to local food banks. The players volunteered their
time to directing cars for parking, cleaning tables and collecting food donations.
The represented Cayuga Minor Hockey with pride and had fun doing it!

Special Thanks to all the Teams that participated and gave selflessly. 
Those great teams are:

The Cayuga Atom Rep team collected warm winter items for the less fortunate, homeless in Hamilton. The idea came about from a couple players that were involved in a local church group. The rest of the players and parents got on board with this local worthy cause, to help bring a smile to those in need this winter. These items were delivered Dec 21st, 2016.

Peewee LL


The Peewee Local League team had a food drive supported by Assistant Coach Blake Eady.
After a game on December 17th, we all went to the Foodland in town and the kids and coaches each collected $10 worth
of food. At the checkout, Coach Blake doubled the value and the food was sent to the local food bank.

JR. Tyke Leafs


For the February spirit challenge we choose to collect donations and donate them to the Cayuga food bank.



Gave back to their community with a Toy Drive for the Cayuga Food Bank!!



The Sr. Tyke Team is happy to report back on our very successful third challenge.  Our Sr. Tykes ran a food drive prior to Christmas with all donations submitted to the Cayuga Food Bank.  We were in contact with the Food Bank beforehand to find out what non-perishable foods were really needed.  Cereals, granola bars, candy, juices and many other items were dropped off at the Food Bank on December 21st 2016 (a whole car load)!  Our Sr. Tykes and their Families were very supportive of this Community initiative.

Special thanks to Jeff Potter of Re/Max for sponsoring the winning ice time
& Cayuga Foodland for sponsoring the pizza!

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