Coaching Application for 2023-2024 Season (Cayuga Minor Hockey)

Coaching Application for 2023-2024 Season
Mandatory fields are noted with asterisks. Completed form will be automatically sent to the President & Coach Administrator(s).

We do not have a database of your information from year to year, thus, please include all information you feel we should know.
You will be contacted regarding your interview date & time.
You will be contacted by phone regarding the results your interview and at that time you will have the option to request to be debriefed regarding your application/interview.

General Information

Team Selection

National Coaching Certification

Coaching Experience

I understand that completing a Coaching Application does not guarantee me a coaching position and that I will be required to participate in an interview process. 
I understand that a police check will be required if I am selected as a Coach.  I also understand that police checks are required for all of my coaching staff.
I understand that if I am selected as a coach I must abide by the Code of Conduct and Fair Play Codes as listed in the Manual of Operations, and I am required to attend all coaches meetings and any coach development sessions that the Cayuga & District Minor Hockey Association provides.
*Applications will only be shared with the Cayuga Minor Hockey Coach Selection Committee.

**The Coaching Selection Committee reserves the right to extend the application deadline if appropriate candidates do not apply.