Feb 20, 2025 | Teresa Metcalfe | 534 views
Nominations for Cayuga Minor Hockey Board Members
Nominations for Cayuga Minor Hockey Board members is now open!
If you or you know someone who would be interested in helping
us run the organization, just submit the nominee's contact information via
the online
Member Nomination Form.To nominate someone to our Board of Directors - just submit the nominee's contact information via the online Board Member Nomination form (also found under the Forms tab)
by April 15th.
This is sent to the Election Committee Members: Amy Klassen and Janene McCollum-Boyko.
An Election Committee member will contact each nominee to confirm the nomination.
The names of the members willing to stand for the election will be posted on this website.
The election will take place at the Annual General Meeting May 14th (location to be determined)
NOTE: Nominees for VP's or Secretary must have served on the Board previously for at least 1 year and any member can be nominated as a Director.
** As Board members our team is expected to act in a way that contributes to the effective operation of the Board. This includes - but is not necessarily limited to the following:
a. Focus on the good of CDMHA, independent of personal agenda, self-interest, or the influence of others.
b. Maintain confidentiality of committee, board, and organization work unless authorized otherwise.
c. Be familiar with our Bylaws and Manual of Operations and their role for conducting business.
d. Regularly attend Board meetings. .